Our Partners


A good partnership makes us stronger and helps us become more successful. This is also true for DeutschTutor. Please find below some of our important partners, to which we are connected in a very particular way, and which services we can recommend in good conscience.


  ClickMeeting  is an international leader in web conferencing-solutions. Based on a cooperation partnership between DeutschTutor and ClickMeeting we use the “ClickMeeting” web conferencing system as technical platform for our virtual classroom.

Cornelsen Verlag

The Cornelsen Verlag has been at the centre of the world of learning for over 60 years and offer a wide range of educational media and further-training programmes.



Hueber Verlag

For more than 80 years the Hueber-Verlag is one of the most renowned publishing houses for educational books and other media to teach and learn German language. Based on longstanding positive experiences using Hueber education materials and a cooperation agreement with the Hueber publishing house we prefer to use Hueber media in our instruction.



mindSYSTEMS berät, trainiert und coacht seit 1991 Privatpersonen und Unternehmen zu den Themen NLP, Lerncoaching und dem Graves-Modell. Zudem sind wir weltweit professioneller Partner in der Trainer-Ausbildung.


The ÖSD (“Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland /Austrian Language Diploma Institute) is a non-profit organization that develops officially recognized examinations for German as a foreign language, which can be taken at a global network of examination centers.



Österreich Institut

The Österreich Institut was founded 1997 and has 8 language centres throughout Europe and beyond. Besides offering German language courses it promotes cultural exchange abroad and is the producer its own newspaper for learners of German language – the Österreich Spiegel. The Österreich Institut is the property of the Austrian Republic.